Last year, I couldn't believe Lily turned 3. This year, it was more like.. hmm, aren't you like 6 or 7 now? Not 4. Only 4? Wow.. she's four. FOUR.
Lily started pre-school this year (and LOVES it). It's been awesome for her- socially. While she can't seem to tell me what any of the kids names are.. she plays with them and gets along well. There were no tears the first day or any of the days that followed. She looks forward to going and it's just become a natural part of her routine. And I am thankful that on days she doesn't go, she doesn't seem to mind, notice, or care.
She plays video games now (thanks, Jason). Like plaaaays them. Minecraft, Disney Universe, Little Big Planet, various Mario Brothers games, Eden, Halo (f-ing HALO), Portal (PORTAL!
I can't even play that game!).
She is SO into Minecraft outside of the game as well. And Angry Birds, Lalaloopsy (still), making pretend food in her pretend kitchen, iPad (YouTube- ug), stuffed animals, puzzles, endless running, dancing, music. She makes me tired.
She's fully, 100% (knock on wood) out of diapers, pull-ups.. even at night. She uses the regular toilet seat most of the time, not her little one that goes on top. And she takes showers! Which makes my life 100 times easier than dealing with "bath time." She can get herself dressed, except when she doesn't want to (or thinks Noah doesn't have to dress himself so why does she?).
She's so so so good with her brother- especially now that they can actually play together a little bit. It's so obvious that he LOVES her to pieces (and vice versa). I think she is going to be absolutely beside herself in the spring when he can actually toddle around with her a little bit.
What else? She knows the alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors (and what you get when you mix them together). She can write her name, knows her address, and has a scarily scarily accurate memory. She asks me endlessly how to spell things. Everything. Even giant run-on sentences. And recently, somehow, she seems to be learning about addition. (Actually, subtraction too.) I'm afraid if she doesn't get to go to kindergarten next year she's going to be bored out of her mind.
And if she does get to go, I'm afraid I'm going to miss her way, way too much.
Happy birthday, Lily! (Um, slightly delayed- because you know, hanging out with you is way more fun than blogging about you.)