I broke out in some sort of crazy rash, went to the emergency room, and saw a bunch of doctors that had know idea what was going on- but eventually one of them gave me tons of drugs.. and it went away. I also Googled "death from lack of sleep," just to make sure I was not.. going to.. you know..
I started to figure out how to leave the house, live life, and all sorts of other things with not one, but two little ones in tow. Although I still haven't figure it all out, it's getting easier. Sort of. Sometimes. Randomly.. with no rhyme or reason to when it is and when it isn't.
There was Easter, two more cavities discovered (and dealt with), and I got an electric toothbrush. At some point I realized I was a housewife.. even though I thought I was supposed to be a stay-at-home mom. (I still have not completely come to grips with this.)
Noah smiled. And stuck his tongue out. I started physical therapy. Again. I discovered Gotye and "Somebody That I Used To Know." Lily got goldfish. Lily stopped having goldfish. I had to have a talk about death with my 3 year old. Mother's Day happened.
The zoo happened. I started looking into preschools for Lily and eating a lot of noodles. Summer was really hotter than I was able to deal with- normally.
There was a stupid amount of drama with where my brother-in-law was living (still with us). No one handled it well. Or right.
I went to all kinds of doctors. Lily started eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. A lot. Independence Day. I discovered the joy of a blue cheese veggie dog lunch.
I didn't go to BlogHer'12.
It deserved it's own line- I sold my ticket, cancelled my hotel reservation, and I was devastated. I didn't go.
I finally bought a new wallet. Noah started eating baby cereal. He didn't care for it, but ate it anyway. The air conditioner became my best friend again. I got new sneakers. Lily, Noah, and I went to a county fair. Lily got way, far away from me and I had to sprint after her.. at a county fair.
In-law drama. Lily got really good at playing video games and I started eating a lot of cereal. Lily was suddenly able to spell and write her name really well. Noah became an expert at baby food and I got another year older.
We enjoyed a lot of food from my mother-in-law's garden. Lily started preschool. Lily. Turned. Four.
Halloween. We lost power for 25 hours. Lily went on her first field trip. I voted. I started physical therapy. Again again.
I found a new dentist and had 4 more cavities filled. Added another new doctor to my collection- who sent me to physical therapy, even though I was already still going. We all got sick 900 times in the first few months of having a child in school. Noah started crawling at scary lightning fast speeds.
My brother-in-law finally.. moved.. out! And I started cleaning his room. Thanksgiving. (Funny how those are the two events that ended up next to each other on this list.) Lily and I actually watched most of the Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Lots of "strange," TAPS kinda things started up again. I blogged every single day of November. Purposely. And I secretly purchased a new color of Fiestaware dishes.
Lily decided she hated/was scared of the Elf on the Shelf. I used this to my advantage. Lily had the worst day of school. Ever. And she went to the dentist for the first time.
Sandy Hook.
Not something we did, but.. It still affects me. So horribly. That I can't talk about it anymore.
Lily and I made Christmas decorations. Lily had the best day of school. Ever. I cut my finger open taking Lily to an appointment. And traumatized her for 2 weeks. Santa came to visit, Christmas happened, and the toy store exploded in our house.
The first real snow of the season happened just before 2012 ended.