Sometimes being a stay-at-home mom has its disadvantages. (Sometimes?) Oh sure, I get to spend tons of time with my children (tons!)- and that's awesome. But sometimes it's almost too many tons. (Maybe you know this already, but the Peace Corps isn't the job that's the toughest one you'll ever love.)
Don't misunderstand.. I'm not complaining (right now)- it's more awesome than it is not awesome. But.. half the time I don't even know what day it is. Major holidays, I've got. Specific days the week and minor holidays- not so much. Take this Monday for example..
Last week Lily was out of school all week- sick. When Monday came around and I was going to be able to get more done.. I was excited. We got ready to go without out too much issue and were only 10-15 minutes late. (Today we were half an hour late. Get up earlier you say? Not when I'm only getting 4 hours of sleep thanks.)
Pulling up to the small parking lot at her school, I couldn't see any cars. Which I thought.. was.. weird? But then I saw just one on the other side of the building- so I wasn't sure. Was there no school? Why would there be no school? There must be school, the teachers must have.. just all.. walked? I dragged everyone out of the car, through the gate, and up to the door. We were greeted by a sign that said "Monday: No School." Uh, what?
Well didn't I feel stupid. Back to the car, back into car seats. What the heck holiday was it? I was pretty sure Presidents' Day already happened. Martin Luther King is in February. I think. (No, I just looked it up.. it's January. See what I mean?) Not time for Memorial Day yet?
I Googled "April 15 holiday." Tax Day. Tax Day? What? No school for tax day? So confused. What was going on? So I kept scrolling and scrolling down.
Patriots' Day. Ug. If I was a normal person.. if I had a job (you know, a REAL job).. interacted with people over the age of 4 on a regular basis.. wasn't, essentially, a shut in.. I'd know these things. And not get up before 7am. And not force myself and two small children out of the house at unGodly hours of the day. Before I'd had enough coffee. Not enough coffee, that's what I'll blame this on.
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