Something about today that's making it seem like a Sunday. I don't know..
It snowed again today. Actually it's still snowing. Lily, Noah, and I finally got out into it this time. I wanted to take them out over the weekend when it was snowing, but by the time there was really anything to play in it was bedtime. Beyond bedtime really. And then it rained. And the next day everything was just a skating rink.
So out we went today. Really, I guess it was more like "tonight," but who's keeping track..
It was already dark out, but I could practically say the same about three o'clock these days. At first Noah wanted to play with Grandma's dog and was hysterical that I was taking him outside instead. He didn't want his mittens on. He just wanted to cry because I took him away from the dog and out into the.. Wait a minute. Snow? Outside? With snow to play in? Oh. Alright, I see where you're going with this mommy, you aren't not the most terrible person in the world after all.
The poor thing was mostly thrilled as he shuffled around in non-snow boots, a jacket one size too big, and snow pants that were 2 sizes to big.
In my defense: 1) didn't buy him a new jacket this year because the one from last year seemed to fit okay. I was about to buy him a new one, but then I realized I had bought him a new one for this year at the end of last winter. But it's huge on him. 2) I could have SWORN he had snow boots for this year. I mean, I have a 5 year old.. what happened to the snow boots she had when she was his age? Were they pink? Is that why I never unpacked them from her stuff? I finally decided that must be it, so I tried to get him a pair. In December. Under a million dollars. So funny. Not really. Eventually I ordered a pair of booties that you can where over shoes. They arrived and were too small. So I ordered another pair. I also tried to find a pair in stores. So funny. There was a pair of Lily's old rain boots that were really huge and I didn't want him falling down like he did the last time he wore them. His ankle-height shoe-boots were the only option. 3) Lily wore her size 2T snow pants for 3 winters.. that's how big they were.. and now Noah gets to "feel her pain."
Aaaanyway.. we tromped around outside in the semi-dark. Lily threw snow. Noah walked around. Lily made snow angels. And Noah wanted to make one too. So he did. And then didn't see the fun of it and wandered on.
Then it was time to go inside. And Noah hated that idea. Because what else is there to do when you aren't even 2 yet except to constantly change your mind about what is okay and what isn't?
It will all still be there tomorrow morning. And then it will start to melt. And melt and melt and melt. Until it's all gone. Leaving us to have to wait until next time.
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