Wednesday, June 4, 2014

hello, June

My right eye has been twitching for about a week now. I don't know why it is, but I wish it would stop. I assume it twitches all day long, but I'm too busy and important  involving myself in motherhood/house/finance stuff to be constantly aware of whether or not it's still doing it. I just have to assume it is, because it doesn't seem like it would only twitch for certain parts of the day and not for others. But, honestly, who knows.

It may have something to do with allergies. Or it might not. I've been taking some OTC medicine for that. I thought I had a cold. Which then turned into a really terrible and lengthy cold. Which then I figured must be allergies, but I also think there was a sinus infection in there somewhere. (Because I couldn't bend forward more than 10 degrees without feeling quite a lot like my head would explode from the pressure.) Which was followed then by what was most definitely allergies. Probably. So I started taking an allergy medicine that has worked other years. I'm still taking it because I'm afraid not to. Because it's just barely June, you know?

Which.. I cannot believe we've found ourselves in again so soon. It will only be a few more weeks before I will be hating summer so much, as I always do. There will be heat.. and humidity- my hair will be sticking straight up, and it will be so awesome. (No, it will be not be.)

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