I won't go into great detail (you're welcome), but.. Yesterday there was an incident involving Lily. And poop (her own, thank God). And I swear to you that I did not over-react. I didn't yell. Or spank her. Or even put her in time out. In fact, when she came up to me I just said "ooh! I have an idea" and scooped her up and plunked her into the shower. (But really there was a lot more negative words going on in my head.)
There was some yelling during her shower, I'll admit. But what she was covered in was getting on everything and during her jumping and jumping and jumping I was so afraid she was going to slip and fall. But that was about the extent of it.
I spent a good hour cleaning her, the shower, the floor, her again, myself, her play tent, and her one more time. And all my non-negatively reacting SO came back to bite me in the a-s-s today.
Because.. She did it again. Except it was worse this time.
And this time I yelled. A lot. Sorry, but I did. I couldn't help it- it just happened. I even threw something across the room. And then I scooped her up. And cleaned her up. Then we sat in the dark for a few minutes so we could both calm down.
I called Jason. Who laughed. I told him I hoped he still thought it was funny when he got home, because he was going to be the one cleaning it up. But I cleaned it up anyway because the thought of it all sitting there on the carpet in her room was just making me more angry.
This time, Lily and I had a talk. Well, I talked, she hid behind a pillow. I thought I was pretty calm.. but also, I knew that if it happens a third day.. I'm going to run away from home. So.. whatever tone that is.. that's how I was talking. Do parenting book generally have a chapter on this? If so, I'd like to read up on it. Because this is not my idea of how to have fun with toddlers.
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