My child has just fallen asleep. At 4 o'clock on a Sunday. No, you don't understand.. this three year old of mine just doesn't take naps anymore. Very rarely- hardly ever. Like.. two times a month. Maybe.
So the bad news is she must really be sick. Because she went to bed at 1 am. Or was it 2 am? I can't remember. And then she woke up at 8am.. so I had to as well. And we were up for 2 hours- until I fell asleep on the couch, for about an hour, next to her while she watched tv. But I doubt she even noticed I was sleeping. Or in the same room. She's like a teenager- whatever, mom, I'm busy.
I was praying she would have a nap today- so I could take one too. But now that she's actually taking one.. I don't know if I can sleep. Don't get me wrong.. 7 hours of sleep is nowhere near enough for this over 7 month pregnant, sick, mommy, but..
The fact that the little tornado is sleeping.. and the house is quiet.. and no one else is upstairs.. kinda makes me wanna do something. Anything. I can do anything I want.. totally uninterrupted. I could make something to eat.. in another room! Without having to walk several miles back and forth to check on my child because I know she's up to no good when she's quiet. I could.. go to the bathroom by myself and without fear she's hurling herself out the window, ripping the safety covers off the outlets with a fork, or covering the walls with.. stuff walls don't want to be covered in.
Man.. what do I want to do?! Sigh. All this excitement over endless possibilities of "freedom" is making me tired. So. I guess I'll.. just.. take a nap. While I still can.
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