Wednesday, March 21, 2012

insert interesting title about not sleeping. and stuff. here. thanks.

I just had to go and jinx myself didn't I? I certainly wasn't bragging about the relative ease of Monday (especially when compared to how badly everything could have gone).. but maybe I should have been happy everything went okay and not put it out to the world that we all made it through the day. Because then there was Tuesday..

Nothing really terrible happened, but.. I just didn't prepare well enough in advance for everything. (Even though I planned in advance to be prepared. Funny.) I got three hours of sleep during the night. In the form of two naps.. about an hour and a half each. (Instead of my normal 5-6 hours. In the form of 1-2 hours naps. That has been my norm the last 4 weeks.) Not awesome.

I drank so much coffee. And ate so little food.. that by the time I started getting ready for the day's outing (taking Noah to the doctor), I couldn't keep my hands steady. So I ate 3 pieces of raisin bread. And that helped. Somewhat.

But time just slipped away. As it tends to do when a mom gets ready takes her two children out in public by herself for the first time. Lily ended up wearing her pjs.. with pants. But her pjs weren't really pjs, just a long shirt.. thankfully. So it was our frazzled little secret.

It was also the first time both car seats were in my car. And the way we are smashed in is probably just barely legal. Of course everyone is buckled and strapped down. Handles are at appropriate angles and blah blah blah. But it sure wasn't ever more obvious to me that my car was not designed with a family with two small kids in mind.

There was all that- and of course we were late. I looked at my watch. And grumbled to myself. The constant argument I have with myself about our doctor's appointments. If you know you're going to be 10, 15, or more minutes late and call to get in later in the day instead (the "right thing").. you find yourself not being able to get an appointment for a week. But if you just go anyway.. so far I've never been so late that they didn't take us. (And I also try to tell myself that pediatricians are a little more understanding.)

I was exhausted, I couldn't even get one of my children dressed properly, the car situation was making me so mad, and we were already outside for God's sake.. we were going! We were 15 minutes late. And if anyone there was bothered by it, they hid it really well.

Lily was so good at the office.. chatted to everyone, was calm, and actually listened to me. She wasn't completely okay with having to share "her" doctor with her brother.. but the doctor did a great job of involving Lily in everything she was doing (pff, moms!), including taking Lily to get a sticker and some paperwork while I got Noah dressed again. I'm so in love with that office and its staff.

There was probably more to our day, but beats the heck out of me as to what it involved. Seriously. Because last night, I only increased my sleep by an hour (1 three hour nap and 1 hour nap), but was still able to have a very short dream that I told off my brother-in-law's girlfriend, or whatever she is. In our hallway. Something about the bathroom. At least I think it was a dream- I could be sleepwalking/fighting at this point. Wouldn't surprise me.

My second "nap" would have been longer, but the combination of the bathroom door slamming (turned out the be the girlfriend) and Jason asking me if someone was in the bathroom (yes, apparently), woke me up.. and there was no going back to sleep. But, oh, I did so try.

(Today I looked up "death from a lack of sleep".. just to make sure.)

And I cannot for the life of me remember what the last thing I was going to say was. Here's to upping my logged sleep to a scandalous five hours tonight.

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