Saturday, June 15, 2013

what we did

1. I started buying myself flowers. Cus, I mean.. it seemed like I should.
2. Baby feet. Enough said.
3. And more blue sky.
4. Sigh. There are so many days when, after I've made special order, on-the-fly lunches for two little people, that I just don't even want to bother with my own. So I eat a plate of vegetables and move on.
5. Window garden is thriving. Sort of unbelievably so. But, I've mentioned it a couple of times already so..
6. Peonies at dusk. What else can I really say about it? Pictures like this amuse me, because I feel like it's just a false representation of what my life is really like.
7. Ah.. the "waiting for the tow truck" photo. The start of the stupid, annoying, still on-going week.
8. I watched the Apple WWDC keynote on my MacBook. It was good- I thought it was better than the previous one. And it was the first time I got excited about a new OS and iOS in quite awhile. Good thing Jason has a developers license and all the new fangled business can go on my phone now instead of in a few months like everyone else. (Also, Blogger doesn't recognize "fangled" as a correctly spelled word. I'm disappointed in you Blogger.)
9. And finally, Lily now has to be my friend forever because she picked out the beads for her bracelet.. and I made her one just like mine. I win.

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