Saturday, August 3, 2013

what we did

ONE. Vegetable Tempura at the county fair? Why not.. (It was actually really, really good- but then gave me a stomach ache the next day. As can only be expected from a good plate of carnival food.)

TWO. There were also kangaroos at the fair- which was different. We didn't let Noah see them, however, due to a previous hysterical reaction to kangaroos at 2am while watching the Baby First channel. I am considering writing them a letter asking them to lease stop showing that segment after midnight, because my sleep-fighting baby's reaction to it is going to wind up giving me a heart attack.

THREE. The end of July and Halloween candy is out already. And up next week, Christmas trees?

FOUR. I finally got to eat a dish of beans right from the garden. They were mostly from my inlaws, but there were a handful from my own window garden as well. Delicious.

FIVE. The first cucumber from my garden was harvested. I think it was inhibiting the growth of the other cucumbers on the plant, so I cut if off the plant at about four and a half inches. I haven't eaten it yet.. I think there's supposed to be a special ceremony.

SIX. And biggest event of the week.. my child tricked herself into eating a vegetable (and did it again today). She suddenly told me she wanted "ants on a log," we actually had celery, and she even ate 70% of it!

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