Friday, November 1, 2013

in November

November? How is it November? I don't think that's right. It seems like summer was just starting and now I'm already being bombarded with Christmas. I don't like it.

My unofficial blogging goal for the year was that each month I would blog at least as much as the same month the previous year. And I did.. until last month. There was just too much going on. Recovering from Lily's birthday at the end of September, endless car nonsense, preparing for Halloween..

And I failed- with only 6 entries instead of at least 10. But, now that it's November (and NaBloPoMo) I have the challenge of attempting to blog every day of the month. Last year was the first year I succeeded with that.

The up side is that I write more. The down side is that it is clearly quantity over quality. Is it worth it?

1 comment:

  1. I ask myself the same question but I am still going to give it a whirl.


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