Tuesday, November 12, 2013

this day, i'm done with it

It started last night. When the entire refrigerator broke. As in ceased to continue to create a cold environment for food.

And it continued this morning at 7am when I was throwing out hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of food. The actual amount makes me too sick to think about, so I'll leave it at that.

Then it went on when there was nothing for breakfast. Oatmeal? I forgot to buy it. Cereal? No milk. Eggs? Gone. What do other people eat? Fine I'll eat another Clif bar. Coffee? No half & half. Oh no.. no coffee!?

The fridge died. I was up til 2am dealing with that and children that couldn't sleep because of us dealing with the fridge. I woke up at 7am to clean out the fridge for trash day. (Actual, I woke up to Jason cleaning out the fridge instead of getting ready for work, so I mean..) And then I had no coffee.

Which didn't create any happiness. I even tried to warn my children. Gave them the entire story of tiredness and absence of coffee. They pretended that sure, sure they understood. (They lied.) Sure, we'll get ready to leave so mommy can get coffee. (They double lied.) And not kill anyone. Lily mentioned that I shouldn't do that because it was bad. I agreed and yet explained that I wasn't responsible for my own actions sans coffee and avec children (see what I did there?). I'm sure there must be a law about that somewhere.

Do you know what I was forced to buy? Some type of coffee creamer. In little tiny, single use containers they don't have to be refrigerated. Because..

The part that will theoretically fix the refrigerator isn't going to be here for 3 days. Oh. Pff. Sure. That's totally fine. What the heck do I need a fridge for anyway. I mean.. it's not like the kids require a constant supply of chilled juice flowing through them at all times or anything.

Upside? One, all the money we're saving without a fridge running for 100 hours or so. Two, I didn't have to put the groceries away when I came home for a couple of hours.. when I "felt like it."

And.. the children can actually continue to have their juice because it's pretty cold out here now- to the extent that it even snowed today. (The former window garden now makes an excellent temporary fridge.)

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