Friday, July 26, 2013

..and those cucumbers.

The window garden has suddenly take off over the last week. Three more beans were harvested and at least as many should be ready in the next few days.

The remaining lettuce plants have fooled me over and over. They look okay, then suddenly they look terrible- dead even. I'll be about to get rid of them and then the next day they start recovering. This has happened at least 3 times now.. and now they look better than ever. Is this just what lettuce does?


I still have my fingers crossed about the tomato plants. The plants themselves are thriving- just no tomatoes yet. Everything looks exactly the same as last time, just a little taller.

But the stars of the garden.. are definitely my cucumber plants. One of the cucumbers is actually a little over two inches long already. I sort of can't believe it.

I don't know why I find it hard to believe.. I guess just because they are growing in little window boxes? It's surprising to me that they are doing so well- cus that guy is far, far from alone..

That's just one side of one plant. There's that many more on the other side.. and then three more plants following right along. Here, you can see 3 of the sides of the planter.. and how cramped it is- but apparently these plants don't mind. When the sun is out, they get it full blast. And there's certainly been plenty of rain this summer.

Most of the cucumbers are already growing, but there are still many more than are just about to get started.

I feel, at this point, I can totally claim green thumbs. Hooray.

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