The day's school events as reported, mostly, by Lily.. She bumped her head at school. On the wall. When she was running back and forth with her friend S instead of standing in line for the bathroom. One of her teachers showed me where on Lily's head and said she iced it for a bit, but that Lily didn't want her to at first cus I had put sunscreen on her. (Points! Points for applying sunscreen on my child!)
When her teacher called her over so she could "show mommy the bump", Lily said "what?" and then "what?" So, great.. either it didn't hurt anymore and she forgot about it happening in the first place.. or she hit her head so hard she's suffering from amnesia. Probably the first one. Hopefully the first one.
Lily told me She got two "sit outs." I think that's what she called them. I guess that's not as bad as a "time out?" I don't know. One for spitting on J - which I can't determine was an accident or not. Possibly semi an accident? Apparently he was on fire (as a dragon, she was the one that had set him on fire)- and she was putting him out (which, as a dragon, I suppose is the right thing to do after you've set someone on fire). I don't know if she meant to only pretend spit? Either way we talked about how that's gross, that you wouldn't want someone spitting on you, etc.
The other "sit out" was for digging in the dirt for treasure (gold coins, etc- that's my girl!) and they told her to stop but she didn't listen fast enough. So we talked about listening to the teachers when they say to stop doing something.
And if that was the extent of her day?- that's pretty much perfect for this child. Her strong-willed, smart, very creative self can't always conform to the rules of preschool- but.. we're trying. Jointly.. we're trying.
I don't always agree with the rules.. or the way things get handled at school, but.. We've had talks about the rules at school being a little different and there's nothing mommy and daddy can do about it. She just needs to listen to her teachers when she's at school because when she doesn't.. what? She gets in trouble, has to sit out, and can't play for awhile. And that stinks, right? Ya.. that stinks.
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