Saturday, November 12, 2011

At least it wasn't orange crayons in the dryer this time

I should have known this was coming, but I didn't. Recently, I had to wash an enormous quilted blanket we had on our couch. Which is nothing out of the ordinary. But when I opened the washing machine and saw something else in there.. sitting on top.. that had previously been wrapped around Lily's butt.. three words came out of my mouth. Guess what they were.

I pulled the blanket out.. and found it completely covered in tiny, gooey, jelly balls.. the words were worse. At the bottom of the machine.. giant handfuls of of the clumped-together jelly awaited me. I just stood there. This was a new one. What the heck am I supposed to do? Rewash it? Or dry it?

Shaking it out wasn't an option due to it's size and soaking-wet weight. I went with trying to dry it. Which I guess was the smart thing to do.. (I came across How to Clean Disposable Diaper Disaster in the Washing Machine later) since it got off about 75% of the mess.

(But then there were the handfuls and handfuls of jelly globs I scooped out of the washing machine.. as well as all the dried jelly globs I cleaned out of the dryer lint trap. Um, fuuun!)

Today I tried using a sticky paper lint roller to clean up the rest of the blanket.. but it was totally useless. I ended up washing it again. And that did the trick. Now that it's dry again, you can 't even tell.

At first I was couldn't believe it had happened. But then I thought.. wow, there's no way this hasn't happened to someone else already. A quick Google search confirmed that. Try searching this one and see what I mean: washing machine disposable diaper.

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