I genuinely don't have anything to say today. I mean.. we went to IHOP this afternoon for lunch. And had pancakes. And Lily was actually fairly well behaved for the majority of it. She got a balloon.. and all was right with the world. She picked out her food- and then didn't eat it. Surprise. Well, she had some whipped cream, a bunch of chocolate chips, and the cherries that were on it. So healthy. Then, she came over to my side- and ate most of my scrambled eggs and some of my hash browns.
But do you think I remembered to take any internet-worthy photos? Nope. I was too busy enjoying not being stressed out (since she didn't need to be pulled down off the ceiling).
I bought 3 pairs of baby socks at Crazy 8 and then we went to Target (shocking). Where Jason had no patience for Lily not having any patience for him. So I bought baby bottles.. and we left. With Starbucks drinks. And popcorn. And pretzels. And cake pops. (The last three were for Lily. Because IHOP didn't fill her up with enough junk.)
Lily fell asleep on the way home, but woke up once we got there- because I'm just not destined to get a nap into my day anymore. Then there were dollies and Legos and animals and all kinds of other great toddler games for hours. Whatever.. you try keeping up with us..
This a perfectly lovely post. Whatever do you mean that you have nothing to say?!! This is NaBloPoMo month which means that anything goes. Say nothing all you want. ;-)