Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Saying something anyway

Last month, I posted 10 times. And got the most visitors I've had since I started this blog. This month, I'm working on being a part of National Blog Posting Month (and therefore writing a post everyday).. and only 9 days into it, I've already gotten 2/3 of the visitors I had all of last month. So.. maybe there is something to this posting more often business.


In some ways making myself say at least something here everyday has been good.. in other ways not so much. Sometimes I feel like I really have to struggle to have something to say. And that's nothing new. But when those days happened in other months, I would just shut my computer, walk away, and figured I'd find something to say the next day.

And then I usually didn't.

1 comment:

  1. Just stopped by to say "hi!" I'm doing NaBloPoMo, too. Found you via twitter hash tag.

    I find that posting more often makes me think that more people should show up to comment because I made the effort. But that doesn't seem to be how it works for me.

    As far as I can tell, people comment for their own reasons-- and what I say is just a starting place. If my readers are in a chatty mood, they comment regardless of what I say! Go figure.


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